Title Attorney Serving the Rocky Mountain Region
Welcome to Blum Law and Title, LLC, providing oil and gas, mineral, and real estate title services in Colorado and surrounding states. The firm was formed in October 2008 by Jennifer Blum, an attorney with a wide range of experience in oil and gas, real estate, and property title issues.
Jennifer provides title research and legal services relating to real property, oil and gas rights and other subsurface mineral rights, and determinations of mineral ownership and leasehold status. She drafts oil and gas title opinions and counsels clients on transactional matters that involve oil and gas issues, in particular real estate transactions for properties located in oil and gas producing regions. She also prepares mineral title reports that enable commercial real estate developers to certify compliance with the Colorado Surface Development Notification Act.
Blum Law and Title, LLC is located in Superior, Colorado, however, the firm represents clients located in any part of the state and Jennifer is licensed to practice law in Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, and New York.
State Bar Admissions
North Dakota
New York